February President's Message
Wayne Low | Published on 2/1/2024
Hello Everyone,
I was hoping that we would get the typical slow start to the year, but it feels like everything has jumped off with a bang! In my conversations with our fine membership, I have heard a full range of stories, with some saying they are busy, while others feeling a bit slower than they would like. For those who enjoy following the economy, the general sense is that things are picking up, so I am hopeful that this next year brings great prosperity for our great profession. I would like to say thank you to all those who answered SEAOC’s MLK call and donated to the DEI Foundation Endowment. For those who attended the January SEAONC Meeting, it was an amazing event and I personally was touched by the frank and insightful discussion of the challenges young engineers face. A huge thank you to program planners, Jenika McClay and Natalie Tse, and above all to the great speakers. We hear you.
On the legislative front, SEAOC has a unique opportunity with the Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologist (BPELGS). As part of their Sunset Review, BPELGS, is soliciting opinions and comments on a proposed change to require that “Significant Structures” be designed by licensed, Structural Engineers (SE). Similar requirements are required in many states, such as Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Hawaii, Illinois, Oklahoma and Georgia. The SEAOC board supports these proposals and believes they are key to maintaining the high quality of projects designed today. To be clear, the intent of this measure is to ensure that “significant structure” are designed well, and the model language will not restrict, current practicing engineers (PEs) from designing the types of buildings they have done in the past and have competence. The provisions recognize the importance of vital and complex, “significant structures” and the immense care necessary for their design. The proposal allows qualified PEs to continue with their practice and would apply to new licensed engineers. The definition of “Significant Structure” is still to be set and I am sure it will be a lively debate. BPELGS is also working to develop a strategy for implementing a Continuing Education requirement, but that is a whole story upon itself. If this is a passion of yours, please don’t hesitate to contact SEAONC with your input.
The new year is full of initiatives that we hope will make SEAONC Stronger. On January 24, you will receive the call for entries in our annual Structural Engineering Excellence (SEE) Awards. The awards are amazing and the Board encourages everyone to send in their work. SEAONC is made up of a full spectrum of firms and engineers. Similarly, we are looking to recognize all types of projects and are introducing new categories for small projects and special structures. Every entry includes tickets to our exciting SEE awards, generously sponsored by CSI. In March, we are also having our inaugural Trivia Night, where teams from firms can compete with each other for glory and bragging rights. This is our first step with the potential of having our Northern California Champion compete against the winners of the other SEA sections. Stay tuned for all the details.
Our next association meeting is on Tuesday, February 6 at our secondary home, the AIA-SF Center for Architecture + Design. Continuing our effort to strengthen the future, SEAONC is hosting our second structural engineering student night. Coming to our meeting are students from San Francisco State, Santa Clara, San Jose State and Stanford. The meeting features a presentation from our 2023 Krawinkler Award Winner and Past President, Kelly Cobeen of Wiss Janey Elstner(WJE), who is presenting on how key, structural research can influence both our practice and the building Code. Details for the registration are below. A special thanks to WJE, Degenkolb, and Hobach-Lewin for sponsoring the students. Come and share your experience and insight. I look forward to seeing you all.